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Sat 31/08 10:30am
Players / Teams>
Paul Hill's Advanced Lessons - Playing to Partner's Opening Lead and the Middle Hand Defence   Improver Lesson   Director Paul Hill   We cannot see dummy’s holding before we select our opening lead, and when dummy hits it may be that we wish we had led something else. When we are playing to partner's opening lead or when we are on lead breaking a new suit in the middle of the hand, we do not face the same problem. We can see dummy, can deduce where declarer's strengths are and thus take a more considered approach to defending the hand. In this seminar we look at some card combinations that we may face when playing to partner's opening lead as a defender, or leading a new suit in the middle of the hand. The seminar will discuss some defensive skills that will help you to diagnose when you should exercise caution and when you should freely attack.
J.Delaney (386642)
M.Lewis (1174932)
D.Roe (651893)
D.Pattison (988601)
M.Obenchain (491667)
S.Mould (249181)
D.Jerkovic (317071)
J.Codognotto (735787)
G.Harband (509817)
E.Waddell (1038389)
T.Crowley (1092081)
S.Gilmour (563536)
D.Carruthers (1046292)
J.Rao (1152017)
A.Czarny (1001450)
S.Woodard (1162144)
A.Silman (1155830)
B.Muller (1099663)
M.Burke (661767)
R.Rodger (948918)